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Call for Mentor / Mastermind

Some time has passed since I started working on my own. One of the ideas I value the most is the power of feedback, experience and different points of view.

That's why I am starting a search for a Mentor or starting a Mastermind Group as one of my 2015 New Year Resolutions.

Presenting myself

About me, I introduced some of myself in the first post of this blog. If I had to say which is my main occupation, it would without a doubt be a software developer, which is what I have done all of my professional life. Most of my experience is based on Web development (backend & frontend) and Mobile development (Android). But I really think about myself as platform agnostic, with Artificial Intelligence as an area that passionates me but I haven't got into intensely. All this can be inspected further in my LinkedIn profile.

Technical matters are well inside my comfort zone, but I also enjoy Design and Business topics. Although I have to say in practice I turn to focus too much on the product, that's one of my flaws. I read and follow experts in different roles in order to keep my vision broad. And I enjoy trading ideas and reflect upon subjects.

What am I looking for?

Now, why am I doing this? I have read multiple times about the benefits of having peers to whom I could explain my doubts and intentions in order to get feedback. I think now it would be a good time to start doing this in a more structured way. I am looking for either a Mentor or a Mastermind Group, because any of those fulfill my requirement of having some regular review of my goals and progress, and would bring a greatly appreciated external point of view to all this.

The profile I am most interested in is certainly not technical. It can be, but where I would get more insight is definitely on the personal management and business areas.

In case someone is reading this and wondering what a Mastermind Group is (I assume everybody knows what a Mentor is); as I understand it, a Mastermind is a group of like-minded individuals who have meetings at regular intervals in order to discuss some matters of interest, with the final goal of helping each other and grow together. The perfect scenario is having people with different backgrounds in order to have a significant pool of experience and knowledge to leverage. Of course, in case of a Mastermind I could fulfill a role of strong technical knowledge. A full description of what it is can be read in this post.

My intentions are to meet approximately twice a month (every two weeks). I always prefer to have interactions in person, but I would like to have feedback from someone with a different perspective to mine (and I am not sure this idea of mentorship/mastermind is practiced in Spain). So I am not against having peers from far away, we'd use video chat and/or email.

If you are interested or know anyone who could be, please let me know at

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