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You can find more videos in my Youtube channel.

Solid CRDTs in Practice @ Solid Symposium

CRDTs is the technology that enables local-first applications, and in this presentation I share how I learned about them and crafted my own solution for Solid Apps.

Slides Video (12min)

Thoughts on Solid Developer Experience @ Solid Symposium

Solid has a bad rap about being difficult to work with. But is it really that hard? In this presentation, I share my take on Developer Experience when making Solid Apps.

Slides Video (16min)

An introduction to Solid @ MyData Meetup

I explain what Solid is, where it came from, and its vision.

Slides & Summary

TCM Ionic Workshop @ TecnoCampus MatarĂ³

Workshop to build a real-time chat using Ionic and Firebase DB. Given to TCM Computer Engineering students.

Slides Source

Awesome Tools 2017 @ TecnoCampus MatarĂ³

Showcase of modern technologies we were using at Geemba. Given to TCM Computer Engineering students.
